Flight Training

Rebel Blade Aviation operates in Southern California with FAA Certified Flight Instructors.

Private Pilot Certificate

This certification allows you to fly helicopters for recreation and is required to begin your Commercial Pilot Certificate training.

Commercial Pilot Certificate

This certification is a requirement you need to fly people or property for compensation or hire. *Prerequisite: FAA Private Pilot Helicopter License

Instrument Rating

The qualification that a pilot must have in order to fly under Instrument Flight Rules or IFR.

Certified Flight Instructor (CFI)

This certification is required if you are interested in instructing flight students.

Our Instructors

We work with the best instructors in the region.

Training Aircraft

We use the #1 training helicopter in industry, the Robinson R22. It has the most popular training equipment, and best in class safety. It’s also the least expensive helicopter to learn in, and prepares you for any helicopter you may fly. Even a Blackhawk!